The Real Reason James Franco was Arrested

James Franco shared this information in a 2015 collaboration between Google Play (via) and California Sunday Magazine (via). PeopleFranco’s teenage years (which he spent in Palo Alto, NorCal) were full of a variety youthful indiscretions that got him into serious trouble. Franco, as Franco recalls in the short film entry, contributed to the “California Inspires Me”Franco’s early, aimless years were the reason for his less-than stellar behavior. “By the time I got to high school I didn’t have a ‘thing,'”Franco recollected. “so I ended up just getting into a lot of trouble.”Franco claimed that Franco got in trouble with the authorities at least once for preoccupations with graffiti. There were other criminal acts that had more serious consequences. The racket A bona-fide black market cologne ring.

Franco says Franco and his friends began to do this, Franco said. “stealing cologne”In eighth grade, to make a profit at school. “We had like thirty bottles of cologne each in our lockers at school and then we could sell cologne at the dances,”Franco recalled. Franco eventually was arrested for shoplifting, after his unseemly actions were reported to police. “It was like a big bust,”He concluded.