The Princess Bride’s Cary Elwes Has Pretty Blunt Opinions About A Possible Reboot

Sometime back, movie lovers had a minor heartattack when they heard that there was some interest in movies. The idea of remaking The Princess Bride. It didn’t appear that any active plans were being made to do this at the time, but someone thought it was a great idea at the moment. Cary Elwes made clear at the time that he didn’t like the idea, and he recently doubled down on that, though he admits he completely understands why a studio might be interested in doing the remake. 

Cary Elwes also does other thingsIn his career, he will almost certainly become well-known. The Princess BrideBefore all else. He is likely to be protective of the film because of his connection to it. So, when the idea of an a Princess BrideThe idea of remake was raised. He wasn’t excited at all. He just told this story. THRHe has not changed his opinions on the subject. He understands the desire to remake the movie, but he still feels this way. Princess BrideHe is in a special class of movies that should not be seen. He explains… 

The studios feel that the costs of advertising and promotion have become too high. They want to reduce them. Their feeling is that when they do a reboot or remake, they have a target audience, so they don’t have to spend as much on marketing. I get the motivation. But my theory is, look, if the movie is popular and it’s done well, and people love it, I think it’s pretty much best left alone. It is not a good idea for me to revisit a film that has already won the hearts of the public.

It’s not exactly news that movie studios hate to take risks. They’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars on film projects, and they want to have as much assurance as possible that those movies will give them a return on their investment. This is achieved by making use of properties that are already loved, which is why we see all the adaptations, remakes and reboots.

While The Princess BrideIt was not a box-office smash when it was released, but it is probably one of the most loved films of all time. It would be hard to find a modern movie lover who hasn’t seen it, and who doesn’t love it. Difficult, However, it’s not impossible


Fans are generally okay with reboots. In fact, some of these we love. Even if the original is good, a good remake may still be good. Remakes add somethingThe original. But some movies certainly feel like there’s There is nothing more that could be doneMany would agree with that. The Princess BrideIt is one of them.