The Ozark Character Fans Think Is the Coolest

According to Redditors, it’s Jim Rattelsdorf — Wendy’s political advisor, ally, and legal confidante — who has been the coolest and craftiest character in “Ozark” history. He was played by Damian Young, an actor. Jim survived the four seasons despite his long-held belief that he would eventually die. “Jim is definitely the most badass guy in this whole series,” wrote Redditor u/Grouchy-Specific6517

In “Ozark”Discussion thread that has received many upvotes. 

In recent years, the coolness and mystery of Jim has reached new heights. Many people are calling for a spinoff based on the fascinating political underworld depicted in “Ozark”All over the Midwest and in other locations. “There need to be more shows on Fixers and Background Investigation people like [Jim],” wrote Redditor u/asecuredlife

. “Exactly,” u/Grouchy-Specific6517. “Jim should have his own spin off show.” 

Chris Mundy, an executive producer, previously stated that “Ozark”Spin-offs are a possibility, and many fans expressed interest in them. “It’s definitely something that people have talked about a bunch,”Mundy narrated TVLine

April 2022. “There’s nothing definitive. We’re lucky that people seem to really like the show so there’s obviously going to be some interest there.”