‘The One, a British Sci-fi television released by Netflix on March 12 follows a storyline of a revolutionary matchmaking service that takes the world by storm. The eight-episode series saw an average response and a variety of mixed reviews among the critics.
The thriller series revolves around the CEO of MatchDNA, Rebecca Webb, a bold and daring visionary who also boasts to be the mastermind behind the science of the company. Rebecca’s tech claims to be a matchmaking service unlike any other before, where the DNA samples help find their perfect match. Like all things related to new technology, this idea begins to escalate badly as the magnitude of the idea causes turmoil among the people.
The One season 2: Release date
Unfortunately, there has been no official announcement from Netflix regarding the renewal of the series. The pandemic has also not helped as it slowed down production across the industry. So any season 2 expectations will have to wait for now, but to put a timeline on it, fans could expect it to air any time after late 2022.
The One season 2: Cast
Aside from Ben Nasir, who evidently will not feature in an upcoming season, the other star cast will be expected to resume their duties in an event that renewal is put forth by Netflix. A few new faces could also be part of their plans as there is scope for expanding roles of the people being affected by the company.
The One season 2: What to expect
The next season could probably be set at a further point in time wherein more characters are brought in to change the notion that was shown in the first season. There is much to anticipate from the series, but also an urge to up their game as an average scoring and fan base would not bode well for the production.