The Idol: The Weeknd Cancels HBO Show After An Embarrassing Season

Lily Rose Depp starred with Lily Rose Depp in this HBO show, and it received poor reviews.

The Idol HBO has decided to cancel the drama’s second season after just one. The Weeknd played a nightclub-owner/cultist who is in a weird relationship with Lily Rose Depp’s Jocelyn. It received abysmal ratings and was ridiculed by viewers. This immediately put the renewal of the show in doubt. HBO, which had earlier denied rumors of the show’s demise and defended it against them in the past, changed their tune Monday.

The Idol HBO is pleased at the response from its audience. Variety Several other media outlets. After much consideration and thought, HBO as well as its creators and producers decided to not move forward with the second season. “We’re thankful to the cast and crew, as well as creators for their amazing work.”

Sam Levinson and his team (of Euphoria Reza Fahim (whose true name is Abel Tesfaye) and The Weeknd. HBO viewers were not happy with The Weeknd, or Levinson’s scripts which rely too much on shock value.

You can find out more about this by clicking here. Rotten Tomatoes

Only 19% gave the film positive reviews. The audience was also disappointed with 41% giving positive ratings. The Over on MetacriticIt scores a terrible 27 (out 100), and the average rating from users is only.7 out of 10.

“A show that feels so focused on being provocative and pushing boundaries that it didn’t worry about telling a good story – or even doing anything to actually be subversive,” movie critic Amanda the Jedi “Any remote logic goes out the window in the final moments, this is just bad,” she said. The reviewer said: “Any logic that was left behind in the end moments is gone, it’s just awful.”

ABC NewsPeter Travers said, “The only shocking thing about The Idol This is shockingly terrible. … The fact that so many actors are forced to read dialogue which is as cringe-worthy, makes it a sad sight.

Vox’s Alex Abad Santos wrote: “Levinson’s and Tesfaye’s story-telling gets in their own way, sabotaging any kind of emotional effect.”

It is an evolving story.