The Best Whole30 Tips from Someone Who’s Tried It

  • I am following the Whole30 diet for the 3rd time. Here are some tips to make it more manageable.
  • I stay on track by meal prepping and purchasing Whole30-compliant foods, such as collagen creamer.
  • It is important to remember to stay hydrated throughout the month.

I have done the Whole30 diet twice and it was not difficult. There are however ways to make it easier. 

To determine which foods cause irritation or inflammation in your body, the Whole30 diet requires you to eliminate all grains, dairy, sugar, sugar substitutes, legumes and alcohol for 30 consecutive days. This plan is restrictive but can help those who are trying to identify diet-related sensitivities or get their food intake in order. 

To calm my sugar cravings, I decided to try a third round. It’s been amazing so far. 

Whole30 is not right for everyone. You may need to talk with your doctor before making any drastic changes in your diet. 

These tips are based on what I have learned in the past two rounds and may help you to get through Whole30 as quickly as possible.

Get essential ingredients ready before you start

My morning coffee is enriched with Whole30-compliant collagen creamer.

Jennifer Still

Consider the items that you can’t live without, and then do some research to find alternatives. To maximize your chances of success, stock up on the items you will need in the next 30 days. 

A creamy cup of coffee is my favorite, but Whole30 has cut out dairy, sugar, and oats. I was open to trying new things with my morning brew. Before I began my Whole30, I added Vital Proteins collagen creamers. 

Tessemae’sAnd Primal KitchenMany Whole30-approved condiments, dressings, and sauces are available. Whole30 compliance is also possible for some brands of sausage and bacon. 

Keep your recipes simple and keep your meals simple

Meal prepping for a healthy breakfast is a great way to stay on track with the Whole30 diet.

Jennifer Still

Although you might be tempted to cook five different dishes per week, this can take up a lot more time, money, and energy.

The Whole30 diet doesn’t allow you to overcomplicate dishes. But meal prepping can save you time and help you portion your food.

You can meal prep two to three dishes a day and portion your food into containers so you can quickly reheat it. You’ll be able to eat whenever you want, no matter what time it is. 

Do not fall for the temptation to scale the building.

The Whole30 diet is a good option for protein and veggies.

Jennifer Still

The Whole30 diet is designed to help you determine which foods cause inflammation, irritation or other reactions. While some people lose weight, many others can’t. This is not a diet for weight loss.You can keep track of calories.

As long as you are eating Whole30-compliant foods, you can eat to your satisfaction. You should allow yourself to feel the process and wait for the 30 day mark to see if you can step on the scale.

Hydration is key

Hydration is key to energy, fullness, and good health. You’ll be more likely stay on track.

You can still drink diet sodas and sugary drinks, but you are not allowed to consume them on the Whole30 diet. However, water, herbal teas, coffee and other liquids that do not contain artificial sweeteners or sugar can be enjoyed. You can also drink 100% pure fruit juice on occasion. 

Try not to cheat — it can make a big difference

It helps me to eat a variety of Whole30 meals. “cheating.”

Jennifer Still

Although it can be tempting to indulge in peanut butter and cheese, one deviation of the Whole30 plan could lead to other compromises. You can stop following the diet..

While Whole30 is strict, it’s only for 30 days. I prefer to be focused, and remember that I can still eat the foods I miss at the beginning of the month.

For support, join one or more Facebook groups

Many popular Facebook groups have members sharing their Whole30 journeys.

These groups allow you to vent, ask questions, and simply share your frustrations with other people who are in the exact same boat.

A quick Facebook search for “Whole30″could bring up quite some communities, but I would recommend the Whole30 Support GroupAnd Whole30 Support.

Allow yourself to relax a bit

It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake because there wasn’t a non-compliant ingredient on the list, as long as you still eat the food.

You won’t feel as if you lack energy for a few more days if your body hasn’t been used to simple carbs and sugar. Give yourself some time to feel it, knowing that you will get back to normal.