The 24 most funny reactions to Donald Trump’s third presidential bid

Donald Trump teased a “big announcement”Mar-a-Lago – he delivered the goods on Tuesday night.

He fired the first shot on his third presidential campaign.

Just moments before he took to the stage, it was revealed that he had filed paperwork for a presidential campaign that would grip a divided country.

The run for office isn’t a huge surprise; in recent days he said that he would “very, very, very probably”He would run again and set out his intentions “very, very soon.”

Republican officials had advised him to wait until after midterms to start his campaign. This was partly to prevent him from turning the election into an referendum.

Many on the right blame Trump for his inability to hold back, despite him not doing so. meh midterm performance by Republicans – as some continued to urge him to hold off announcing even longer, as there’s still a senate run-off to take place in Georgia.

Trump began his remarks saying: “Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and my fellow citizens, America’s comeback starts right now.”

He asserts that the US was just a few steps away from a 2020 election. “golden age”.

Unsurprisingly, social media received swift reactions.

Liza Minnelli created an account to track everyone who was outlived. It acknowledged that she has unfortunately outlived American democracy.

People choose to see far-fetched sci fi movies and expect more reality than what you would find at a Trump rally.

The ever-present election denier had to accept that he lost in 2020. This is because you cannot run for another term in America.

Dave Rubin chose to eat the low-hanging orange fruit (mocking his glow).

The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump campaign organization that was the bane of Trump’s existence in 2020, was quickly defeated
One person suggested that it shouldn’t be a major political story but should be covered by the crime desks of newspapers.

Some people were shocked when he… claimed that he saved lives during Covid.

This is a low level of energy for a guy who loves to boast about his energy.

Perhaps it is the fault of terrible speechwriters

Fans hoped he would sign off his speech by stating that Elon Musk was now the CEO.

NPR published this news with an absolutely mic-drop tweet

It was quite satisfying to watch Fox News cut out from the speech

It got even weirder!

Trump doesn’t have a lot of logic.

One pundit summarised the event’s dark tone by proposing a new slogan.
It was refreshing to see this tweet end, given his sometimes racially charged rhetoric

Parody New York Times Pitchbot Account – mocking the fairness of the news organization despite endless Trump scandals – was also filled with snark

Former White House Press Secretary has slammed Republican hopes that it would ice tricky legal investigations

Trump is still the victim, tragically and hilariously.

It’s all the same chaos Trump

Trump will likely struggle to win over moderate Republicans or independents moving forward. This includes former Vice President. Mike Pence warning: “We’ll have better choices in the future.”

He is already firing shots at Ron DeSantis (his likely primary opponent in 2024), and he has.

Trump has $69m (nice) to his war chest, which he raised through his leadership PAC. However, that money cannot legally be used for campaign funding.

Saurav Ghosh at the Campaign Legal Center is however, the director for federal campaign finance reform. Submitted Business InsiderHe could transfer the money to MAGA Inc., his super-PAC.

No matter what he does, it doesn’t seem that he has changed. Even though he is no longer on Twitter he still promotes the same tired stories over at Truth Social.

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