Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022 Cast and Character Guide

Mark Burnham as Leatherface


Leatherface is one of the most iconic killers in cinema history. His crimes, which include murder, grave-robbing, and fashioning masks out of human skin, were loosely based on the real-life exploits of Ed Gein, the killer who inspired Norman Bates and “Psycho.” Over the years, Leatherface has been embodied by different hulking performers, although the gold standard was set by Gunnar Hansen in the 1974 original. “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” director David Blue Garcia recently admitted that had Hansen still been alive (he passed away in 2015 from pancreatic cancer), he would have probably asked him to play the maniac again. (Fun fact: in the teaser for “Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III,” Leatherface is played by Kane Hodder, who played Jason Voorhees in several “Friday the 13th” sequels.) This time around Leatherface is essayed by Mark Burnham. And boy does he go to town. Those yuppies never knew what hit ‘em.