Strictly viewers fume as they spot Tess Daly’s ‘patronising’ habit with celebs

Strictly Come Dancing fans have picked up on a ‘patronising’ habit by host Tess Daly.

The long-term presenter of the BBC One dance series appeared alongside her co-host Claudia Winkleman on Saturday night’s episode.

Following the dances, Tess spoke to the celebrities and their dance partners but drew wrath from fans, who accused the 52-year-old star of being “patronising” towards the contestants.

One disgruntled viewer wrote: “Tess is patronising to a very high level. She treats most celebs like they are as thick as a whale sandwich.”

Another commented: #StrictlyComeDancing Please can someone give Tess a new script? I’m fed up having to mute her all the time.”

Strictly Come Dancing’s Tess Daly annoyed viewers of Saturday night’s show

A third replied: “OMG, she said it ‘awww, you’re little face’. No, no, no Tess. Please stop, it’s so patronising.”

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