Staycations in the UK are at risk due to high inflation and rocketing camping costs

Staycations in the UK are at risk due to soaring inflation and rocketing prices for camping and BBQs.

The nation is baking, so summer grub prices have risen. Bangers are up 13%, burgers 8%, and cheddar 15%.


Inflation is making it difficult for British staycations to continue.Credit: Getty

Ketchup rocketed 13% while Mayo soared 23%

Also, camping hols have increased by a staggering 23 percent.
After analysing official inflation statistics from the Office of National Statistics, Labour issued a dire warning today (TUES).

Labour’s Shadow Tourism Minister Jeff Smith said: “The Conservative cost of living crisis is hitting families in the pocket; with the cost of camping trips and holiday parks soaring as a result of economic mismanagement.

“Instead of a summer of BBQ fun, families are cutting back as the pound in their pocket is worth less.

He added the “continuity Conservative leadership candidates don’t understand the challenges facing ordinary families trying to enjoy traditional British summer pursuits.

“They offer no growth and no hope of an economy that works for ordinary people.”

Yesterday’s Downing Street rejection of a call by Gordon Brown, ex-PM, to convene emergency meetings to address cost-of living crisis.

Boris Johnson’s official spokesman said he would be speaking to Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi to ensure that support measures due to come into effect later in the year remained on track.

He stated: “Clearly, these global pressures signify challenging times to the public.

“That is why, at summer’s beginning, we introduced a variety of measures to aid the public. Evidently, some of the global pressures are now greater than when that announcement was made.

But he added any new measures to help squeezed Brits would be up to a “future prime minister.”