Simone Biles Claps Back at Critics Over $120 Wedding Dress – Defends Childhood Hunger Story

Simone Biles’ Intimate $120 Wedding Dress Wedding with Husband Jonathan Owens

Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens tied the knot at a private and intimate ceremony, where Biles dazzled in a simple yet elegant white-tiered midi dress worth $120 and shoes worth $35. The lovely couple shared their wedding pictures on social media for fans to enjoy.

Simone Biles’ Glorious Achievements in Gymnastics

Simone Biles, a trailblazing American gymnast, boasts an impressive career with numerous Olympic and World Championship medals. Her exceptional talent and dedication have solidified her as one of the greatest gymnasts in history.

Simone Biles’ Journey to Success Amidst Adversity

Despite facing a challenging childhood, Simone Biles persevered and excelled in gymnastics. Her determination and sacrifices paved the way for her remarkable success in the sport, earning her numerous accolades and medals.

Simone Biles’ Resilience and Mental Health Struggles

Simone Biles’ resilience was put to the test during the Tokyo Olympics, where she faced mental health challenges that led her to withdraw from several events. Despite these setbacks, Biles continues to push forward with the support of her family and her unwavering dedication to the sport.

Simone Biles’ Impact on Gymnastics and Representation

Simone Biles’ influence extends beyond her athletic achievements, as she and her family have established a legacy of diversity and inclusivity in gymnastics. Through her accomplishments and the World Champions Centre, Biles inspires future generations of gymnasts to pursue their dreams.