Sid Kroft looks back and ahead in the 75th Instagram Live

Sid Kroft has achieved many milestones over his long career. He was the opening act of Judy Garland and Liberace, and he also had his own theme park.

He was also the brain behind the TV and movies with his brother Marty. H.R. Pufnstuf Land of the Lost, Sigmund and the Sea Monster Sideshow Middle Age Crazy. The majority of them were so bizarre that they were even accused of being drug-inspirers.

Kroft, now 92, is set to make another mark after 82 years of show business. Tomorrow, (Sunday, Oct. 3) he’ll return to Instagram Live with the 75th episode of Sundays with Sid Online variety show featuring celebrity guests, live performers, and viewers “parties”Reminiscing is a great way to spend time with your loved ones.

This Sunday’s guests include David Copperfield, Beverly D’Angelo, Paul Reubens, Debbie Allen and Donny Osmond.

Kroft answered several questions from Deadline regarding his new venture as well as his broad-ranging career.

DEADLINE – Why do you use Instagram Live?

SID KROFTAfter my 12-minute speech to the Hollywood Walk of Fame tribute, where more than 900 people attended, Kelly Killian, our assistant, said that I needed Instagram to share my stories. It was fascinating to me that I could be reliving my past 28 years as a performer. H.R. Pufnstuf and all the other stuff. I share my stories so that others can benefit from my experience.

DEADLINEThis is how far it can go.

SKI’m going to keep on doing this as long people are watching. It was April Fools Day 2021 when I made it clear that this would be my last show. I received messages from all over the globe pleading with me to not stop. April Fools!

DEADLINE What’s your view on the use of CGI in today’s production, versus the costuming you used to create your fantasies?

SKCGI can give you facial expressions that you couldn’t get with a costume. My 60s audience was blown away by the realistic dimensions of my characters. They had never seen anything like it before. It was mostly small people in costumes. I’ve been doing this for years. H.R. Pufnstuf 

My puppet shows at Six Flags and Kings Island featured theaters seating 1,200 people. To fool the audience, I would use little people on strings in every one of my puppet shows. They didn’t know. So I have been putting little people in costumes since the early ’60s and it sure as hell worked in our shows.

DEADLINE Stories of other-worldly dimensions have mushroomed (The Matrix, Stranger Things, The Magicians). Is it possible that your ideas were influential in the inspiration of any of these stories. 

SKYes. I’m aware that they did. People today still wonder if I was using drugs. Ten years ago, I created Sigmund und the Sea MonstersThe E. movie became a classic. Land of the LostThe most popular show we produced had dinosaurs. The second movie that I saw was the first. One Million B.C. with Victor Mature. Twenty years later Land of the Lost came Jurassic Park CGI dinosaurs replaced stop motion. Today, nothing in the world is original and it’s the way you creatively approach it.

DEADLINE Does working in today’s version of Hollywood appeal to you? Or was it more fun in the ‘70s and ‘80s?

SK Of course it appeals to me. I’m always working, thinking and creating. In my 82-year journey in show business, I’ve tried to always move with the times. I try to make every piece of content I create today as unique as possible. I’ve always gone left in my career and had fun in every single decade.

DEADLINE What was the wackiest thing you were ever pitched?

SKMy legal team always told me to not look at other pitches. I was the creative force and didn’t want outside influence.