The Indian Malayalam-language action film “Shylock” directed by Ajai Vasudev and Produced by Joby George, has hit the big screens of the country on 23rd of January 2020.
The film features Mammootty in the role of a money lender and Meena in the female lead role along with veteran Tamil actor Rajkiran. Shylock is written by newcomers Aneesh Hameed and Bibin Mohan.
2 Days Box Office Collection of Shylock
The film has been able to perform average at the box office on its first day of release and has been able to make a net collection of Rs 2.9 crores from all over the country.
According to the response the movie is getting, it is expected that the film may earn Rs 4 crores on its second day.
While the movie earned Rs 2.9 crores on its first day of release and is expected to earn Rs 4 crores on its second day of release, the estimated total net box office collection of the film Shylock comes out to be Rs 6.9 crores.
Day 2 Occupancy of Shylock in Theaters
On the second day of the film, the theaters have been occupied by 20% in the morning shows while in the afternoon shows, the occupancy is 25%.
The evening shows are most probably to have an occupancy of 30% while the night shows are most likely to have an occupancy of 35%.
The overall occupancy of theatres for the film Shylock on its second day of release and on its first Friday, that is, on 24th of January 2020, might result in 15 to 20%.