Shocking Split: Celebrity Power Couple William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez End Relationship After Two Decades Together

Heartbreak Confirmed: Elizabeth Gutiérrez Ends Relationship with William Levy

Elizabeth Gutiérrez has officially announced the end of her 20-year relationship with William Levy. The Mexican actress, 45, and former Dancing With the Stars contestant have been the subject of intense speculation this year, with rumors circulating about the trouble in their relationship. Eventually, the persistent rumors led to the couple parting ways.

Candid Interview with HOLA!

In a two-part interview with HOLA!, Gutiérrez opened up about her decision to separate from the father of her children, Kailey (14) and Christopher (18), after being apart for the last two months.

The Decision to Part Ways

“I always bet on my relationship,” Gutiérrez revealed. “I loved William, and he was the love of my life. But now, we are not together. I am not the same girl I was 20 years ago when he met me, and our wants and needs have changed.”

Letting God Write the Story

When asked if the separation was final, Gutiérrez replied, “I’m letting God write my story, as I’ve always done. I feel like I’m in the middle of the ocean, just surviving.” Despite the split, she assured that their children are in good hands, as William is an excellent father.

Moving Forward

As Gutiérrez navigates life post-separation, she is focused on rediscovering herself and her dreams. She emphasized the importance of honesty and transparency in expressing her feelings. While she refrained from divulging details of the breakup, she emphasized that it is a private matter for them to deal with.

Levy’s Response

Following Gutiérrez’s interview, Levy took to social media, sharing comments from fans on Instagram Stories and posting a picture of himself looking serious. Captioning the photo, “It’s a matter of time,” Levy hinted at a forthcoming revelation. His followers speculated that he may soon share his side of the story as he prepared for what’s to come.

Rumors and Controversy

Amidst the couple’s public statements, People en Español reported that police reports revealed several domestic altercations at the former couple’s residence in Miami over the past few months. This revelation added to the intrigue surrounding the high-profile breakup.

As the drama unfolds, fans await further updates from both Gutiérrez and Levy, eager to hear their perspectives on the end of their long-term relationship.