Shakespeare’s Globe theater allowed a guy in a gimpsuit to watch the play, while other children attended

SHAKESPEARE’S Globe theatre allowed a man in a gimp suit to watch a play while children were in the audience.

Parents complained after the boy was allowed in despite wearing latex from head to foot.


Shakespeare’s Globe theatre allowed a man in a gimp suit to watch a play while children were also in the audienceCredit: Credit: John McKenna / Alamy Stock Photo

The bodysuit-wearing London theatre-goer, who also wore a “scary” harness, watched a matinee performance of The Comedy of Errors.

Staff did not intervene because the sexual fetish suit “did not contain offensive slogans”, the Sunday Telegraph said.

One angry parent said: “Imagine bringing your child to the theatre and seeing a gimp suit.

“Why was he allowed to stay in a venue that caters for the general public including children? Even if a child doesn’t know what a latex suit is or the sexual connotations, it’s still a very scary sight.”

An internal report circulated by a manager joked: “Our only worry was the patron might’ve overheated.”

It added “no further action” would be taken.

The Globe announced that it will review its dress-code policy after the incident of May.