Shaina Hurley is reportedly engaged to her boyfriend

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  • Shaina Hurley broke off her engagement in season two “Love is Blind,” has a new fiancé.
  • People claim that Shaina is her boyfriend “almost a year,”A man called Christos.
  • He wasn’t part of the Netflix production that wrapped filming last year.

Shaina Hurley, a 32-year old hairstylist, was featured on


‘s “Love is Blind,” is engaged to her boyfriend — a man named Christos Lardakis. People Exclusive report about the new step she took in her relationshipShaina said that she will marry in Greece this summer. 

“She’s been dating Christos for almost a year and this is the happiest I’ve ever seen her,”People was told by an unnamed source. “He has stood by her side through all of the ‘Love Is Blind’ drama and has been her steady in the storm.”

Christos Larakis was not among the contestants for season 2. “Love is Blind,”According to interviews with other contestants, the filming ended sometime last year. The new episodes aired in February 2022, and showed Shaina developing strong connections with two men — Kyle and Shayne.

Shaina had doubts after accepting Kyle’s proposal. She expressed regret for not telling Shayne her strong feelings about him. After a long engagement, Shaina split with Kyle. Shaina was at center of some the most wild moments of the season.

Over the weekend, Shaina posted a series of Instagram photos showing off her new fiancé. “My ride or die forever ♾ ❤️‍🔥 ✞,”She wrote the caption.

So far, she has not publicly announced the engagement.