Scarborough Slams Kevin McCarthy Silence regarding Trump-Fuentes’ Meeting (Video)

“Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough called out Republican California Congressman Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday for remaining silent about former president Donald Trump’s meeting with Kanye “Ye” Nick Fuentes, a white and west-oriented nationalist.

The segment included a montage of various responses from Senate Republicans reacting to news of Trump’s dinner with the pair.

Sen. Jodi Ernest called the meeting “ridiculous,” Rick Scott, Senator of Texas, said that it is. “no room” In the Republican Party for white supremacists, or antisemitism. Trump’s criticism was heightened by Senator Mitt Romney who called the meeting “disgusting” It can be added to “clear that there is no bottom to the degree to which President Trump will degrade himself and the nation.”

Meanwhile, Sen. Lindsey Graham called off the meeting “bad” He said, however: “doesn’t think it will matter” in terms of Trump’s political future.

“What’s interesting is that we are hearing Republican Senators being critical of Donald Trump. It sort of feeds into what we have been saying here for quite some time, the three parties, there’s the Democratic party, the Republican senate party and there’s the Republican House party,” Scarborough claimed. “Interesting, not surprising, unfortunately, and sad and pathetic, we haven’t heard Kevin McCarthy, we haven’t heard other leaders of the House Republicans come out and criticize Donald Trump.”

Scarborough argued that McCarthy hasn’t spoken out because he “thinks his support depends on having white nationalists and supporters of neo-Nazis voting for him for speaker of the House.”

BBC News correspondent Katty Kay warned McCarthy’s job as House Speaker will be “a nightmare” And “almost impossible to do” If he must be “continuously in hook” With “Trumpian-wing” Marjorie Taylor Greene (Matt Gaetz) and Jim Jordan are examples of lawmakers.

“He may rethink all those years of craving that job. I don’t quite see what’s in it for him, other than pure ambition,” Elle added. “Clearly, he knows which way the votes lie and the votes don’t lie within the moderates of the party.”

The full video is available here “Morning Joe” Segment in the video.