Samuel L. Jackson’s Honorary Oscar was Given To Denzel Washington Before Telecast. Fans Are Confused

It’s no question that Samuel L. Jackson is a living Hollywood legend. Between His incredibly quoteable linesIn movies like Pulp Fiction, Snakes on a PlaneMany movie lovers (even casual moviegoers), would love to see him play major roles in Marvel, Star Wars, and other movies. Accept his OscarYou can celebrate all the achievements so far. Unfortunately, Jackson was awarded his honorary Oscar on Friday night instead of Sunday’s telecast, and fans are calling out the Academy once again. 

Samuel L. Jackson was presented with the Governors Awards with his first Oscar. After fifty years in the business, Denzel Washington introduced The Academy Award. Kyle Buchanan, New York Times journalist shared the moment. Twitter

,This led to outrage from fans who wanted to see him accept Oscar night’s award. It’s here:″ data-url=”

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It’s a sweet moment between the two, who shared the stage after the famed Oscar winner highlighted the Nick Fury actor’s achievements. Denzel Washington laughed at some of his colleagues’ incredible stats like the $27 billion collective box-office haul. He also gave a complete list of all his charitable work for almost a minute. 

Samuel L. Jackson and hsi had an adorable embrace when he reached the podium. And once he got to the podium, he couldn’t help but reach in for another one. During his speech, Jackson spent time thanking his wife LaTanya Richardson, his wife for 42 years. Per Buchanan: Jackson also stated this when he accepted the award. 

Although it was unexpected when I received this call last summer, it is one that I will always treasure.

Samuel L. Jackson has appeared in more than 150 films since his debut in the ‘70s, and he’s still got it. After all those roles, it’s honestly incredible Jackson has yet to be recognized by the Academy until this weekend. The actor was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar once for his work in 1994’s Pulp Fiction

. Ed Wood’s Martin ultimately Landau won that year though, a development that Jackson was bluntly candid about recent events. In the past, the actor has spoken out about the Academy’s lack of inclusion with nominees

The Oscars moment was not liked by Twitter viewers who watched it via video just a few days before. Twitter user @AmandaSmithSaysTweeted: 

I can’t believe that The Oscars missed the easy slam dunk of presenting this live to Samuel L Jackson, probably the most well-known actor to receive an Oscar this year, and definitely one of the most well-liked actors by the general public.

There’s especially some tension at this year’s ceremony because The Academy cut eight categoriesPerhaps to be broadcast later. Announce an additional EncantoPerformanceThis is among other festivities that are less focused on the actual nominees. As another @JohnDiLilloTwitter: 

Samuel L. Jackson is one of the greatest-grossing actors of all time. He is also one of the most loved and well-known faces in movies. ABC would rather have a Twitter-voted award for him than broadcast him winning an Oscar.

Many movie buffs feel that there is a shift in the Oscars’ focus from film-focused elements to appeal to a wider audience. Here’s one more reaction via @BenLikesMovies

Do you think I am trying to convince you that Shawn White and Tony Hawk will be on the live telecast to draw more viewers than Denzel Washington giving a lifetime achievement award for SAMUEL L.? JACKSON?!?! @TheAcademy, your stupidity is beyond comprehension. #Oscars

Samuel L. Jackson receiving his award on the big evening would have been incredible. If there is one thing you can take away from this, it is that the actor was honored. Sunday, February 8, 2008 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC. ET on ABC. Check out How to view the Best Picture NomineesCinemaBlend.