The expected trailer of Salman Khan’s Dabbang 3 was released on Wednesday. Directed by Prabhudeva, the movie recovered to Salman’s titular character, Chulbul Pandey, who is this time more fierce and bold. The film also brings back Sonakshi Sinha, who rehearsed the role of the wife on Salman’s screen, Rajjo.
The third installment also has new characters in the daughter of Mahesh Manjrekar, Saiee Manjrekar, and Kichcha Sudeepa. While Saiee will face young Chulbul Panday as his love interest, Sudeepa is the villain of the film.
The trailer was shared by the actor on his Twitter account. Sharing the video, he wrote: “Here it is … Please take the time out of your busy schedule and watch 3 minutes of ‘Dabangg 3′”.
The trailer starts with Salman talking about cops and thugs and calls himself “wala gunda cop”. Then he introduces Sonakshi again as his wife Rajjo. With the usual tricks of Chulbul Pandey, he take viewers to the younger days of the character, where he falls in love with Khushi (Saiee). With a twist in his love story, Sudeepa enters as Balli. The two involved in furious fights with shots, blood, and drama.