Russian official claims that the war in Ukraine has ended ‘stop the supreme ruler of Hell’

Russian official Dmitry Medvedev has spoken about Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine, describing it as a conflict with Satan.

It was a war, according to the former Russian President, who is now the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council. ‘stop the supreme ruler of Hell’.

Medvedev, who served as president from 2008 to 2012. He said that Moscow was fighting “crazy Nazi drug addicts”Ukraine

He stated that Ukraine was also backed by the West, which he said had an interest in Ukraine. “saliva running down their chins from degeneracy”.

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Medvedev sent a message to Russia to commemorate Russia’s Day of National Unity. He stated that the purpose of war was to “stop the supreme ruler of Hell, whatever name he uses – Satan, Lucifer or Iblis”.

The official was speaking in celebration of Russia’s Day of National Unity

Alexey Nikolsky / Sputnik / AFP via Getty

He went on to speak about the power of Russia’s weapons, saying they had the power to “send all our enemies to fiery Gehenna”.

He also described Ukrainian weapons as “intricate lies”, before adding: “And our weapon is the truth. It is because of this that our cause is right. We will win because of that! “Happy Holidays!”

The claim comes after a top Ukrainian official said that at least three body-doubles had undergone plastic surgery to appear like Putin.

Major General Kyrylobudanov, the head of military intelligence in Ukraine, spoke out about the images that Putin is used to seeing.

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