Russell Crowe Claps Back At My Best Friend’s Wedding Director’s Claim That He Gave A Poor Audition Alongside Julia Roberts

My Best Friend’s WeddingIt was a charming romantic comedy that was a huge hit in 1997. Russell Crowe says that even though the film is nearly three decades old, it’s fine to forget about it. The actor claims that he has a fuzzy memory about the pre-production process. P.J. Director P.J. Hogan stated that Crowe was initially his best friend and romantic lead. He played opposite Julia Roberts. Hogan, however claimed Crowe had a poor audition. Now, Hogan has retracted the claim.

Russell Crowe was mostly unknown to the American audience at the time that the movie was being made. Julia Roberts was still buzzing from her success in the role. The best romantic comedies ever

. According to the P.J. Hogan claims that Crowe cast a problem because he gave a terrible table read in which he clenched his script, and made very little eye contact. The star of Pretty Woman. Dermot Mulroney won the role of best friend.

Although the director said that it was one the worst readings he has ever experienced, GladiatorActor says the table reading never happened. He was to TwitterTo challenge the director’s memory, I said that the story was a complete fabrication. The Oscar winner wrote:

This director is a pure artist. This film was not for me. I have never been to a table reading with the actress mentioned. It would be fun if it weren’t so absurd.

According to the star, not only was the table not read but that he also never auditioned for it. Although admittedly this is a bit of a stretch. He said, he spokeSituation, leaving one wondering what actually happened.

It’s difficult to see why P.J. It is hard to believe that P.J. Hogan would make a story about an old film that was twenty-five years old. But one could theoretically argue for Russell Crowe’s pride if he acknowledges this story. This isn’t his first involvement in a back and forth about a production. Crowe said that the original production was what he had in a previous interview. Gladiator

The script was horribleHe implied that he was responsible for shaping the film into its success. One of the producers suggested that Crowe’s contributions to the world were greatly exaggerated

What is most remarkable about the actor’s response to this new situation is how he addressed Julia Roberts. “the actress mentioned”Instead of calling her by name. Although it’s difficult to know why he didn’t mention her explicitly, there is a possibility that he was trying to keep her out of the conversation.

The release date of My Best Friend’s WeddingJulia Roberts was a huge star. P.J. Hogan stated the same in the same InterviewBecause the actress was so powerful on the A-List, she had much control over the film’s production. Roberts would be very interested to know if the table reading that was supposedly disastrous actually took place.

We won’t know the truth about who is telling it unless Julia Roberts, or another person in the know, confirms Russell Crowe’s or P.J. Hogan’s stories. We will continue to share anecdotes about one of the most popular movies of the 1990s.

My Best Friend’s WeddingYou can stream it with a Peacock subscription. You can consult our guide for all your film news and film-going plans over the next months. 2022 Movie Release Schedule.