Robbie Williams Spills Scary Ghost Encounter at Haunted Multi-Million Pound Mansion

Is Robbie Williams Haunted by a Shower Ghost?

Robbie Williams, known for his fascination with ghosts and UFOs, has had a recent encounter with the paranormal. After a four-year hiatus from otherworldly experiences, Robbie claims he is once again being haunted. This time, however, it’s not by a ghostly figure in the night, but by a spirit lurking in his shower. Yes, you heard that right, in his shower. Robbie recounts the bizarre incident where the shower turned itself on at an unsettling hour, leaving him disoriented and questioning reality.

Robbie’s Late-Night Encounter

The strange occurrence took place at quarter past four one morning when Robbie, in need of a bathroom break, found himself face to face with a phantom shower. According to Robbie, “The shower comes on and I’m disorientated.” The eerie event left him feeling unnerved, especially since he initially thought the source was his wife’s bathroom. But upon closer inspection, it was clear that the shower right in front of him was mysteriously turned on.

Repeat Performance

Thinking it might have been a one-time glitch, Robbie brushed off the incident. However, the following night, the same eerie phenomenon occurred, this time targeting Robbie’s wife, Ayda Field. She too experienced the unexplainable shower activity, prompting Robbie to admit, “I kind of have got grumpy because it’s like, ‘If you’re going to do something, turning a shower on is a bit crap’.”

Haunting History

This is not the first time Robbie has crossed paths with supernatural entities. From being haunted by the spirit of Cass Elliot to feeling the presence of ghosts in his mansion, Robbie’s life seems intertwined with the paranormal. However, the arrival of his children seemed to dispel the ghostly encounters until now.

As his youngest child is about to enter school, Robbie is bracing himself for more spiritual visits. Perhaps a call to paranormal investigator Yvette Fielding is in order. After all, when it comes to the unexplained, Robbie Williams seems to have a knack for attracting the other side.

The Rise of Cardi B and Shakira’s Musical Collaboration

Cardi B, the queen of empowerment and unapologetic self-expression, has joined forces with Shakira in a new Spanish track titled Puntería. The song not only showcases their musical prowess but also features talented actor Lucien Laviscount in the music video.

A Celebration of Empowerment

Shakira praises Cardi B as a symbol of female empowerment, highlighting her boldness and authenticity. Responding to the collaboration, Cardi expresses her excitement, stating, “When she asked me, I was so happy. I don’t care if she wants me to meow. I’m doing it.”

Empowering Music for the Masses

Cardi’s collaboration with Shakira marks a significant moment in the music industry, celebrating women’s voices and unapologetic expression. As their song climbs the charts, it’s not just about the music but about paving the way for more empowered and bold statements in the industry.