Rihanna’s boyfriend A$AP Rocky accused of wearing woman’s great grandma’s quilt to Met Gala & she has ‘proof’

RIHANNA’s boyfriend A$AP Rocky has been accused of wearing a woman’s great-grandmother’s quilt to the Met Gala, as she had all the “proof.”

The rapper turned heads when he arrived at the famous fashion event wearing the quilt, which apparently had a previous owner.


Rihanna’s boyfriend A$AP Rocky wore what looked like a quilt to the 2021 Met Gala Image Credits: Getty


However, now a woman is claiming the quilt first belonged to her great grandmother

A woman named Sarah took to Instagram recently to claim that the now memorable quilt worn by the hitmaker actually first belonged to someone in her family.

She posted a picture of the quilt on a bed and wrote, “So my great grandfather’s quilt was donated at an antique/thrift shop a while ago.”

“When I saw the Met Gala photo I realized instantly that it had to be the same quilt. I read the Vogue article about the designer finding the quilt in Southern California and with his office not that far from us in Venice California, I demanded that my mom go look for the photos of it on our old bed.”

She concluded: “Looks like great grandma Mary went to the Met Gala with A$AP Rocky.”

People were quick to comment, as one person wrote: “Best story ever!” as another added, “what a wonderful story!”

One fan chimed in: “I hope your grandma gets an invite to the Met Gala next year!”

In an interview with Vogue, designer Eli Russell Linnetz revealed the quilt was found at a thrift store, and he decided to use it “as a base for the Met piece, working in pieces of personal resonance into the look.”

He explained: “I quilted on things that were important to me, from my dad’s bathrobe to my boxers. Then we used these amazing plaids and flannels and embroidered my family’s name all over the quilt.

“We worked with an incredible young quilter, Zak Foster who specializes in burial and memory quilts. There’s an irony to it that I liked, using the clothing of the deceased to create this beautiful new quilt then [in their honor] that lasts forever.”

As for A$AP, he was all about the outfit, telling the publication: “I think it’s dope [and] it’s fun; I like brands that have fun…”


The 32-year-old wasn’t the only one to open eyes at the event in NYC, as Rihanna, 33, also stunned while wearing a Balenciaga overcoat and a matching hat from Stephen Jones Millinery.

However, the couple almost didn’t make it to the star-studded event, as A$AP told E! News: “We weren’t even sure if we were going to go, so separately, we were planning our looks just to be prepared.

“We ended up getting ready together and going, and I didn’t even realize we were on the carpet together until somebody said, ‘You’re making your debut,’ and I was like, ‘Oh, s**t.'”

Rihanna’s man and Nicki Minaj were recently criticised for their photos with Kenneth Petty, Nicki’s husband.


The couple stunned while at the fashion event in NYC Image Credits: Getty


The rapper even tossed the quilt to the ground for a photo
Image Credits: Getty
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