RHOSLC fans SLAM Jennie Nguyen’s husband for demanding she have more kids after NINE heartbreaking miscarriages

RHOSLC fans were not pleased with Jennie Nguyen’s husband after he requested that they have more children after suffering nine miscarriages.

Jennie joined the Bravo cast for the second season full-time and is rumored to be replacing Housewife Jen Shah.


Jennie said she feels like her husband is heartless for wanting more children Image Credits: Bravo


Her husband Duy insisted that they have more kids despite her fears after nine miscarriages and three C-sections Image Credits: Bravo

Fans got a glimpse inside the life of the show’s newest castmate on Sunday’s season premiere as camera’s captured her spending time with family at home.

The 44-year-old observed as her sons, daughter, and husband worked on one of their weekly science projects involving a bottle and a concoction containing hydrogen peroxide.

In the clip, Jennie’s nine-year-old daughter is heard calling the mixture, “Elephant’s Toothpaste.”

The TV star explained that the experiments are a bonding experience between her husband Duy, and their three children.

Once the experiment was complete, Jennie and Duy stepped away to talk in the other room as they gushed about their kids.

The comments then prompted Duy, to propose the idea of expanding their family, which left Jennie visibly taken aback.

“Honestly, you know how I feel about this, right,” Jennie responded, while Duy insisted they should try for more.

“I want more kids,” he said shaking his head.

Jennie shared in a confessional that although the couple has always dreamed of having a big family, she is concerned since she previously suffered “nine miscarriages” and “three C-sections.”

She revealed that after their youngest was born, her doctor advised her not to have more children warning that getting pregnant again would be “very dangerous.”

The Real Housewives star stood her ground on the subject, lashing back at her husband: “you know I will not continue to have kids. I’m older now.”

However, Duy shrugged off her comment replying: “you’ve got to start somewhere.”

Jennie’s chiropractor husband then continued to defend his reasoning saying that he’s “looked into it,” and thinks he found a “solution.”

The TV personality admitted in the confessional that she feels uncomfortable when her husband pressures her to have more children.

“He’s a doctor. I know he knows that it’s very dangerous. So I just feel sometimes that he’s being very heartless.”

Jennie reiterated her worries to Duy saying: “I’m not going under the knife to have more kids and I’m not sure if the baby will be healthy.

“You know where I’m at with this, I don’t want to talk about it now,” she concluded the argument.

Fans on social media took Jennie’s side in the disagreement after a Bravo fan page expressed their support for the mom-of-three.

The post read: “Jennie revealed that she had NINE miscarriages and for her medically-knowledgeable husband to continue to pressure her, on camera, to have more children is very cringe.”

An outpour of support for the star flooded the comments with one writing: “That was hard to watch. I feel for Jennie”

While another wrote: “This was tough, really really tough but I am so proud of her for standing up for herself and for showing vulnerability with her strength.”


Jennie originally was “hired as a friend” on the Bravo franchise, but due to the arrest and nationwide fraud scheme Jen is embattled in, the freshman’s role was elevated to be an official Housewife. 

A source close to the Utah native exclusively told Central Recorder: “Jennie was hired on as just a friend originally.

“But because of Jen’s legal stuff and unexpected delays in filming here and there, Jennie got a lot more screen time than everyone expected and got promoted to full-time by the end.”

However, the source made it clear Jennie was NOT hired as a “Jen Shah replacement” as the star’s legal problems weren’t even public yet when she got hired by Bravo.

The insider did explain though that: “Because of Jen’s problems, Jennie was a lot more involved and became full-time faster. 

“So if Jen is not part of the show for season 3, Jennie will definitely want to step in and fill that role and void.”

As of right now, Jen’s future on the show is unclear as the fate of her criminal charges against her remains ongoing.


Even with the dark cloud looming over the newest franchise, Jennie – who is a close pal of current star Lisa Barlow – is still “so excited.”

The informant said: “She saw her friends have an incredible experience on the show and has wanted to be a part of it since. 

“She’s not afraid to speak her mind, get sassy or get into trouble and has amazing fashion so she will fit in nicely with the group. 

“But she is involved in plenty of messy drama. Jen’s legal scandal is a big focus of the season of course but it’s definitely not the only drama that happens on the show. 

“Some other big things go down Jennie is involved with,” the source teased.


Jennie revealed that her doctor said it would be dangerous for her to have more children


The couple already are parents to three children


Jennie joined the cast as a full-time housewife possibly replacing Jen Shah/Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
RHOSLC’s Meredith Marks furious after Jen Shah supports ‘cruel’ tweet about her 21-year-old son Brooks’ sexuality

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