Ressler of the Blacklist made a powerful confession about visiting Liz’s Grave. What does it mean for Park?

Spoilers ahead: January 13th, Episode of The BlacklistSeason 9: “Dr. Razmik Maier.” 

The BlacklistThe case involved professional athletes, a doping conspiracy and an assassin trying to cover his tracks. However, the greatest twist of the episode was the involvement of a killer. Cooper We are trying to find out who frame him, RedDiscovering the depths of who he is Views as Dembe’s betrayalA powerful confession from ResslerTo ParkAfter his visit to Liz’s grave that could set up a different dynamic as Season 9 moves forward… for better or worse.

Ressler appeared to have some closure and catharsis after the last episode when he visited Liz’s graveAfter flashing back to his death, he realized how he had fallen off the wagon. Park heard him tell Park this at the beginning of the episode in order to ease her concerns that the visit would only make matters worse. Park found him taking a prescription pad at a crime scene. Park knew he was lying and she decided she would not cover him. with her own problems

It was difficult to deal with. Ressler ultimately realized that he’d have to tell her the truth and shared:

The cemetery made it more difficult than easier to see. Visiting Liz at the end of the tunnel made it more difficult to see. When I took out the prescription pad, I found that I had already tore a page. It was used to obtain these [pills]. … I know you’re going through a lot and I don’t want to add to your burdens, but it’s just – I’m asking you, please, don’t give up on me. Okay?

Ressler’s speech was impressive, especially when they had just exchanged lies about his visit to the cemetery. He handed over the pills that he’d gotten from the stolen prescription pad page. She insisted that he needed assistance, because weaning himself off clearly wasn’t working and is “like handcuffing yourself to your desk at night.” She wouldn’t commit to helping him, saying that she was just making him worse when she tried.

Her reaction clearly had an affect on Ressler, and he took steps based on what she said… quite literally, as he ended the episode by handcuffing himself to a desk with pills just out of reach. He left a message for her, which was at most hopeful.

First of all, you don’t make things worse. You can call me out and hold me accountable. That is what I need. You must also try to get to work by 6:00 AM tomorrow. Doesn’t matter what time. I’ll be here. We appreciate your understanding.

Ressler is now taking a major step in accepting help from Park. This is a positive sign for his recovery as he seems sincere, willing and able to do more than just wean himself off of the pills. It’s a good thing for him, but what about Park? As she reminded Ressler in this episode, her marriage is hanging on by a thread, she was injured seriously enough that she’s still suffering from headaches, and She was miscarried

Unless Ressler really steps up in his own recovery, it’s possible that adding this responsibility onto what she’s already carrying could be too much for her. He clearly doesn’t want to make anything worse for her, which is a good sign, but I’m just hoping that he rounded a corner in his recovery in this episode so that he doesn’t risk taking both Of them down. As for Park… well, I’m guessing that she’ll help him again, and not just stop at uncuffing him from his desk. I just hope that it’s not at the expense of her own health. 

See what’s next for Ressler, Park, and the rest with new episodes of The BlacklistThursdays at 8:15 p.m. ET on NBC The show will continue until it moves backto Fridays in February. I’m all-in on Ressler and Park continuing to build a friendship as long as Park doesn’t suffer for it, and kudos to The Blacklist for developing a new pairing for Ressler after killing off Liz. His relationship with Park isn’t romantic, but definitely one of the most intriguing parts of Season 9 so far for me. You can view more episodes now and over the coming weeks at Our 2022 spring and winter premiere schedule.