Renter Makes Apartment Upgrades, Sparks Debate Online

TikToker@adrienneshow gives users easy, affordable and simple ways to upgrade their apartment without increasing rent.

Sometimes bigger isn’t always better. One renter just proved that by giving her apartment a luxurious upgrade instead of moving into a bigger space — and you’d be surprised by all the things you can easily refresh.

Adrienne, who uses TikTok to record her bathroom and sink mirrors (@adrienneshow) The following design tricks will transform your apartment into a brand new place.

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The renter shares easy and cheap ways to upgrade your apartment.

Adrienne, in this video, explains that instead of choosing a larger apartment ($1,300 more per month), she extended her one-bedroom lease. In addition, Adrienne wanted to give the apartment a new look so she created some tips for renters to help her revamp it.

Watch her page to see more.

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Adrienne wrote that one of her first improvements was to replace the old faucet with a more modern version. She noted it cost “about $60, including the new faucet and wrench set.” The pieces were saved so that the faucet could be reinstalled when Adrienne moves.

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Her bathroom was also updated with a brand new showerhead, shelves in the shower and a new rod.

Her bathroom mirror also got a new look with the help of black electrical tape.

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The comments section of the website had some interesting thoughts on all her projects.

How about moving? It seems like a lot of work to put things back. “I’m debating whether or not to do this, but I have no idea,” wrote a user.


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Another user wrote: “I’m tempted to do this, but don’t mess up anything.”

Adrienne assures users to keep the parts and screws together.

Some users joked about how the landlord will love her upgrade and not want to see it changed back.


Adrienne was praised by one of her users for being smart. “I am a home owner!” The cost of buying a home is high! Let people be! “Do what is best for you!

You can find more ideas for renters on Adrienne’s profile. She has compiled her videos in a playlist titled “rental improvements”.