Reese Witherspoon’s comments on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict have people talking

Fans on Twitter are divided by Reese Witherspoon’s tweets regarding the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. One Twitter userAs a clapback, Witherspoon and her husband were referred to as the drunk driving incident in 2013. Witherspoon refused to obey a police officer and was arrested as disorderly conduct. James Toth, CAA agent, was then arrested and issued a DUI. Variety

. “I sometimes wake up thinking about every mother/father/sister/brother/friend who has lost someone to senseless drunk drivers and their wives who ask cops ‘do you know who I am’ because they think fame=free passes to get away with putting other lives at risk,”The Twitter user stated.

Another Twitter user questioned Witherspoon’s logic by Tweeting

, “You are ignoring the facts?”An additional person offered to defend Witherspoon. Tweet, “No. She isn’t. If he would have stayed at home, those people would be alive.” Another Twitter user agreed with Witherspoon’s comments and , “Walking around with a semi automatic weapon, unbelievable. How on earth does America stand for this. Not a civilised society.”

Witherspoon did NOT respond to comments under her tweets. Instead, she ended the thread by addressing the people who were affected by the trial. “And to the families and friends who are grieving.. I’m holding you in my heart,” Witherspoon Tweet

. “And I will never stop advocating for justice.”