Reddit’s Conspiracy Theory about Mattel Employees Could Blow Your Head Off

Will Ferrell’s goofy “CEO” character in the “Barbie’ movie is a great example of consumer culture. But could he and his cohorts be so sly that they would enslave Barbie dolls and use them as drones for their corporate agenda? It’s possible, given how close Will Ferrell comes to tricking Barbie into going back in the box.

u/cwx149 They backed up the fan theory with more observations. “I’m talking about your comment on doll lands. What’s the point of the lower level? [Mattel] “This isn’t dollland,” they asked. These characters don’t seem to have as much influence in real life as Barbie. The elevator at the Mattels building, a building where we’re sure a ghost works in, could go straight to doll-land.

The idea that Aaron’s (Connor Swindells), and the other characters in the film, could actually be doing this is plausible. I like the concept that this is the “corporate drone” doll land [in] The Basement Original Poster u/Physmo55

agreed. Although there is no “Barbie 2” planned, this idea could certainly be considered when the inevitable sequel arrives.