Prince Harry Considers Becoming an American: Inside His Journey to Citizenship

Is Prince Harry About to Become an American Citizen? The Royal Family’s Shocking Revelations

Prince Harry Recalls Living Four “Amazing” Years In California With Wife and Children

Prince Harry has been adjusting to life in America, enjoying the experience so much that he’s considered making it official. In a recent interview with Good Morning America, Harry revealed that although he doesn’t necessarily “feel American,” he’s contemplated obtaining citizenship. However, he stated that obtaining an American passport isn’t currently a high priority for him.

Prince Harry’s Relationship with the Royal Family

Amid his stay in the US, Prince Harry disclosed details about his bond with his family. The Duke, 39, recently flew to the UK to see his father King Charles for a short period of time. Harry expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to spend time with his family and hinted that he’s willing to come back in a temporary role until his father recovers.

The Sussexes’ Rebranding and Recent Moves

Since their departure from the royal family, Harry and his wife Meghan retained the titles Queen Elizabeth granted them, subsequently rebranding Archewell into They also decided to change their children’s last names to Sussex, aiming for uniformity. Despite their exit, it seems that they are pursuing a way to reintegrate themselves into the royal family.

In conclusion, Prince Harry’s contemplation of American citizenship embodies the royal family’s ongoing life changes and strategic rebranding efforts. Their recent activities provide insight into their persistent connection with the British monarchy and the continuous influence of their heritage. Be sure to catch up on everything happening with The Royal Family right now by returning here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

Keywords: Prince Harry, American citizenship, relationship with the royal family, Sussexes rebranding