Prince Andrew, a disgraced prince, escorts Queen to Prince Philip’s Memorial

The British royal family was saddened to gather at Westminster Abbey in memory of Prince Philip who died last year at the tender age of 99.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were absent, who apparently refused to travel to Britain due to security concerns.

“Tensions within the royal family are still very much there. I think it’s incredibly disappointing that he didn’t feel as though he was able to put the past behind him, to at least set aside any quibbles that he might have over security and over anything else, just to be there for the Queen,”Charlie Lankston, editor at, said.

Harry is being slammed online for skipping his grandfather’s memorial.

The queen, 95, recently recovered from COVID-19, was accompanied by Prince Andrew, her son disgraced, six weeks after he had settled a sexual abuse lawsuit.

“The Queen and Prince Andrew have always had an incredibly close bond. There’s no denying that. But I don’t think the Epstein scandal will ever be behind Prince Andrew,”Lankston spoke.

This was the queen’s first public appearance for five months. She was strong and could even stand, singing, and used a walking sticks.

A color that was worn by the queen was called “Edinburgh green”Because it was a favorite of her husband. While she did attend the memorial, she passed on a number of later receptions.