Pieper James Gets Some Help from Rachael Kirkconnell During the ‘BIP’ Drama

It looks like Pieper James has someone on her side amid the drama that surfaced from Bachelor in Paradise. Rachael Kirkconnell has been through some hot water of her own in Bachelor Nation. So, she knows exactly how Pieper is feeling. According to reports, Rachael is stepping up to help Pieper through these challenging times. What’s going on exactly?

Rachael Kirkconnell reportedly helping Pieper James through tough times

According to Page Six, Rachael Kirkconnell has been offering support to Pieper James following the backlash she’s receiving. The two were costars on Season 25 of The Bachelor. Rachael knows all about facing embarrassing drama. She had to endure the wrath of the world when photos surfaced that alleged she was racist. As all know, it was a huge ordeal that led to Chris Harrison also leaving The Bachelor franchise.

Rachael has recovered from it all and is now happy, educated, and back with boyfriend Matt James. Everyone has seemingly forgiven Rachael and moved on. Can they do the same for Pieper? Time will tell but in the meantime, Rachael is offering a shoulder to Pieper as she navigates through the embarrassment.

A source said, “Rachael has been in Pieper’s shoes before.” They continued to say that Rachael feels her situation with being accused of racism was much worse. They went on to say, “Rachael felt compelled to reach out and let Pieper know that it will all be OK and that the situation with Brendan [Morais] isn’t the end of the world. She feels like the perfect person for Pieper to lean on right now.”

What does Rachael think of it all?

The source went on to say that “Rachael can’t believe Pieper said some of the things she did on camera. But she still feels really bad for her. She got close to Pieper while filming ‘The Bachelor’ and knows she’s a good person. She feels like she got dragged into unnecessary drama.”

They continued saying that Rachael offered to be there for Pieper whenever she needs her.

Pieper and Brendan Morais both faced backlash for their comments made on Bachelor in Paradise. As a result, both have lost thousands of followers on Instagram. The two were also accused of having a relationship before the show. They both deny they were official and have both apologized for how things went down.

The person hurt the most through it all seems to be Natasha Parker. However, fans are treating her right. They are increasing her following and making pleas to production to make her the next Bachelorette. 

What do you think about Rachael being there to support Pieper during this rough time?

Jamie is a Nurse and a mom of boys whose true passion is writing. She loves reality, cooking and paranormal tv. Jamie has been writing online for several years.