People love the fact that man asks for a review right after he has committed to someone.

When asking someone out on a first date, you want everything to go well — but one man went the extra mile to ensure everything went smoothly on his date.

TikToker Katrina (@maytheelevenGraham asked her out and she surprised her with links to surveys that were sent before and after the date.

“A friend of mine recently asked me on a date, and after I said yes, he sent me a Google Form,”She explained.

It is located at the top of your form. “You have agreed to go on a date with Graham [redacted]. Congratulations!” He also promised a good time with the TikToker’s preferences in mind.

“He asked for my name, I sure hope he knew the answer,” Katrina joked.

Pre-date survey questions included questions about her preferred dates, as well as what kind of dress she prefers.

The TikToker chose to go out for dinner and watch a movie. “everyday casual”For the attire.

“I appreciated the option, he would have shown up in a suit and tie if I had selected it, I’m certain,”She continued.

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Graham received the feedback through the form and then sent Katrina a text. “fancy, schmancy”Date Invitation confirm the details.

“We went out on said date and it was lovely,” Karina revealed, before sharing how she then was sent another survey link by Graham — this time an “exit survey”To give feedback on the date.

According to the survey: “In the interest of professionalism and giving dating the structure and administrative bureaucracy it has always deserved, Graham has requested you fill out this optional exit survey.”

Katrina was asked a variety of questions. “Awkward to Prince Charming” (1-10), how she would rate Graham’s performance.

In another, she asked if she had experienced nausea, butterflies or indigestion on the date. “ridiculous symptoms.”

Graham’s surveys appear to have been successful because he and Katrina are now dating long-distance.

Since sharing her first date feedback, Katrina’s video has received 6.4m views and 1.1m likes, along with thousands of comments praising Graham’s method.

One person wrote: “If I’m not getting a Google form from my next date, I don’t want it.”

“This. This is a GREEN flag,”Another person said it.

Someone else added: “Graham doesn’t just understand the assignment, he GIVES the assignment.”

“He’s gonna propose to you in a Google form. Yes or no,”A fourth person responded.

Judging from Graham and Katrina’s story, first date feedback surveys are the way to go.