People are finding out about Olympic Ski Ballet and it’s hysterical

What do skiing, bright neon 80s colors, ballet, 90 seconds of music, and figure skating have in common? It was all part of ski ballet.

That’s right, choreographed ballet-like dancing on skis was a thing and it was in the Olympics from 1988 to 1992, and people are just now finding out about it.

Ski ballet was never an official Olympic sport, it was only a demonstration. But it was a professional sport that included a National Championship and several notable athletes like Rune Kristiansen who won gold at the World Championship and model Suzy Chaffee.

Unfortunately, it was outshined by snowboarding which was introduced to the Olympics in 1998. Ski ballet did not produce a high volume fanbase so it was never inducted officially, and eventually, the International Ski Federation stopped all formal competitions after 2000.

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But it seems people are quite interested in the sport being re-introduced on a professional level. While it may not have seemed impressive at the time, now it does.

Skiers did jumps, flips, spins, crossed their skis, and showcased their flexibility while skiing on smooth snow. They were judged on style, artistic display, and technical execution.

Bring back ski ballet 2k26.

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