Parents Leave Daughter to Friends & Do Not Return for Her — 7 Years Later, Girl Gets a Message from Them

Source: Shutterstock. A girl abandoned by parents. | Source: Shutterstock

  • Since she was 10, a 17-year old teenager lives with the best friend of her parents.
  • The parents of the girl left her for seven long years to travel around the globe, with minimal contact.
  • Her dad sent her an email stating their intention to bring her home with them so that they can become a new family. But that’s not what she wants.

A young girl, aged 10, was forced to stay with her best friend’s parents after their announcement that they were going to travel around the globe. After living in Chicago’s busy city, the girl adapted to life in Montana.

Pete and May were her parents’ best friends in elementary school. They arranged for temporary guardianship. While living on a ranch with horses was an enjoyable experience, she felt left out.

A mother and father abandon their 10-year old daughter in order to travel around the globe. | Source: Shutterstock

She said, “I (of course), was really upset, sad, and angry at first, because I thought my parents had abandoned me.” revealed. She thought that her parents would come back for her in a couple of months. But, this wasn’t true.

Pete and May made every effort to sympathize with May, particularly when it came to her negative feelings. She was treated like their daughter, and they practically raised her in her formative years.

Pete and May realized that the parents of this young girl might never return. After a year, Pete and May realized that there was a chance her parents would never return.

The girl was taught how to take care of the ranch as well as how to ride. Every weekend, they would go riding through the hills and fields.

After seven years of abandoning their daughter, they suddenly sent a letter to her saying that they had finished traveling and wanted her back.

For a time, the young girl was angry, depressed, and sad. | Source: Shutterstock

Pete and May gave her a horse that she loved and took care of. It’s a life she loves, even though it isn’t the one she wanted as a young girl.

She said, “I’m enjoying my life to the fullest.” admitted. She stopped missing them after the initial months. Pete and May became the only two parents in her eyes.

In spite of this, her contact with them was semi-regular. The two would hop on video or voice calls, and exchange postcards and emails.

Her parents wrote to her seven years later that they’d finished their travels and are ready to get her so they can be together once again. Her parents said they were ready to pick her up and that they had missed her.

May took over as the mother of this young girl. | Source: Shutterstock

She was upset. The young woman felt that it was unjust to say this, because she would not have been missing for seven years had they missed her.

She said that she had built her entire life in Montana after spending seven years there. She did not want to leave her horse behind or live in the city. She saw Pete and May, most importantly as her parents.

Pete and May have called her biological parents whenever they can to arrange a visit. Although they were able to, they did not.

A woman posted her story to the Internet to seek opinions from others on how she should tell her parents they didn’t have to return to their home. Many commenters suggested that the woman’s parents might be criminals because they hid for such a long time.

The teenager had never looked at her story this way before. The teenager doesn’t have any idea how she can verify the story, but is scared by the possibility that her parents did something wrong.

A teenager got a contradictory message from her parents. | Source: Shutterstock

Her parents seemed strange to her. Some people said that they were “very careless”, never took anything seriously, and got into trouble all the time.

The young woman made her decision after weeks of pondering her circumstances. Pete and May were able to help her tell her parents that she did not want to go back to them.

Prior to telling her biological family, May and Pete had asked her what she thought. The couple assured her that she was their child and could stay with them for as long she desired.

The young woman, whose parents assured her she would always be at home in Montana asked Pete for help writing a response to their message. She said, “I’m not sure I could write without becoming emotional.” The following are some of the ways to get in touch with each other.

She told her that she did not want to return to her parents. | Source: Shutterstock

After being left for 7 years, the teenager wants her parents to know that she doesn’t want to go back home. The teenager is unsure of her real biological parents after she reads comments made on the internet.

Everyone who has read about the situation of the girl believes that there is more to it than the teenager realizes. She was urged to choose to live with Pete & May who provided her with unconditional love and caring when her parents couldn’t.

The public weighed in with their opinions on the situation. Source: Panda | Source: Panda

Many people weighed-in on the teen’s situation. | Source: Panda

Similar to this story, the mother of four abandoned them in order to live a happier life. Her ex-husband chose to stay with the children and raise them as best he can, while she abandoned her duties.