Oscars Ceremony Shows a Brief Nod to Solidarity with Ukraine, but No Zelenskyy Appearance

Where was President Volodymyr Zelenskyy? That’s what millions in the global Oscars audience were asking last night.

The Oscars did not give Ukraine’s president the platform he had lobbied to, but there was an unexpectedly low-key tribute paid to the nation’s bravery in fighting the Russians.

“Recent global events have left many of us feeling gutted,” Mila Kunis said. The Ukrainian-born actress didn’t mention the country by name. “One cannot help but be in awe of those who find strength to keep fighting through unimaginable darkness.”

There was a moment silence after Reba McEntire’s performance. The slate asked viewers to support Ukraine.

Some stars, such as Tyler Perry, wore yellow and blue ribbons. The pin was worn by Francis Ford Coppola (legendary director) He appeared onstage during a “Godfather”Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Robert De Niro were also honored at the 50th Anniversary.

Some wanted more. 

Sean Penn is about to melt his Oscars due to Zelenskyy not being allowed to speak during the program.

“Every bit of that decision will have been the most obscene moment in all of Hollywood history. When I return I will smelt mine in public,” Penn said.

According to The New York Times, the Academy wants to keep the show positive while showing solidarity with Ukraine.

The epic struggle for Ukraine’s independence continues.

After weeks of bombardment in the region of Mariupol, Ukraine, the mayor has declared that the city is now under the control Russian forces.