Orphans’ Is Third Installment In Stan Lee Series

The graphic novel Alliances: Orphans, written by Stan Lee, Luke Lieberman and Ryan Silbert, will be showcased at a panel today at 5:30pm PT at San Diego Comic-Con’s “Special Edition.”

Lieberman and Silbert will be available for discussion. Bill Sienkiewicz, artist Alliances for Orphans

Provide a first glance. Alliances for OrphansThis is the original graphic novel that was published in the expanding world of graphic novels. Stan Lee Alliancesuniverse and is the first story written by Alliances cocreators Silbert & Lieberman. Alliances and OrphansStan Lee co-wrote the prologue.

Sienkiewicz designed the cover art, and the first chapter for the graphic book.

Artist Szymon Kumbranski illustrates Alliances: Orphans original material Written by Ryan Silbert and Luke Lieberman, all set in The Alliances Universe.

Alliances for Orphans will be published by Dynamite Entertainment (“The Boys”) under the Figment imprint from Ryan Silbert’s Origin Story and Luke Lieberman’ Magik Doom.

Dynamite was started in 2004. It is the home of many top-selling comic book titles, and other properties, such as The Boys, The Shadow and Red Sonja, Warlord of Mars and Bionic Man, as well as A Game of Thrones.