Omar Calls Out Boebert for ‘Made Up’ Anti-Muslim Insult

Rep. Ilhan Omar, one of the first two Muslims elected to Congress, quickly dismissed Rep. Lauren Boebert’s claim that the two had had a fiery interaction in a Capitol elevator. Boebert claimed during a campaign stop over the weekend to have felt safer riding in the elevator with Omar once she determined Omar didn’t “have a backpack,”Then, she said that she would greet the Democrat with, “Oh, look, the Jihad Squad decided to show up for work today.”

The video of Boebert telling her story went around Twitter Thursday and that’s also where Omar Answered: “Fact, this buffoon looks down when she sees me at the Capitol, this whole story is made up. Sad she thinks bigotry gets her clout.”

Omar continued, “Anti-Muslim bigotry isn’t funny & shouldn’t be normalized. Congress can’t be a place where hateful and dangerous Muslims tropes get no condemnation.”

Omar had to send her first tweet before she could post her own. Telled a reporter that Boebert won’t even look at her, let alone talk to her, when they see each other at work.

Other people spoke out in support of Omar, and all Muslims in general, including Rep. Rashida Tlaib (the other Muslim woman in Congress). She Tweet, “These pathetic racist lies will not only endanger the life of @IlhanMN, but will increase hate crimes towards Muslims. The continued silence & inaction towards this hate-filled colleague and others is enabling violence. It must stop.”

Watch the original clip of Boebert’s story below:” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener