North Carolina Boy Burned by Failed Science Experiment

An explosion in his at-home science experiment caused a North Carolina boy to suffer second- and third degree burns to half of his body.

Barrett McKim, twelve years old, was doing a science experiment at home while he was on summer break with his mother and four siblings. AccordingTo the New York Post.

Barrett’s father, Kyle McKim, told the New York Post that Barrett liked working with different rocks and minerals and heating different ones up. On the day of the explosion, Barrett was working with fool’s gold after reading it can change colors, reported the New York Post.

“We don’t know if that was sparked by one of the sparks from the rocks or something with the Bunsen burner,”McKim stated this to the outlet. “We’ve looked at the lighter which seems like maybe it had a faulty connection. We don’t really know what ignited the accident, but it exploded up into his face and is what created the burn.”

After Barrett was airlifted in a helicopter to the JMS Burn Center at Doctors Hospital in Augusta, Georgia, doctors initially told Barrett’s parents that they thought the boy had burns on 40% of his body, but because the boy used isopropyl alcohol, an accelerant to get more heat during his experiment, The outlet reported that he has now had burns on half of his body. TwentyThree quarters of the burns are third or second-degree. 

The New York Post reported that the boy was suffering from mostly lower-face, neck, back, arms, shoulders, and thighs burns.

Barrett’s mother heard the explosion when it happened and was the one to call 911.

“Barrett runs out of the room, and he’s on fire. My wife was burnt, some on her hands as well, trying to just get the fire out and remove the shirt from Barrett,”McKim spoke to the New York Post. 

Barrett was not wearing a lab coat at the time of the explosion, but a synthetic shirt. This also served as an emergency blanket.

Accelerant, which made things worse.

“When I got [home], she was still dousing him with water on the floor and just trying to keep things cool, moist and wet with cold water,”McKim spoke. “From the very time I came into the house, when he was screaming in pain, he wanted me to tell him the truth … asking if he’s going to die,”McKim spoke to the media outlet.

“Most likely it will be a year or so before Barrett is back into the swing of things,”McKim spoke to the New York Post. “Even with the healing of the skin, there’s just a whole other dynamic of the movement and stretching and the physical therapy that is of a real focus as well.”

According to GoFundMe, Barrett underwent his fourth operation on July 7, according to Barrett. Page to support Barrett’s family. The update on the page says that the boy’s fingers on his right hand are looking good but a few fingers on his left will need grafts.

Barrett has seen new skin after doctors temporarily placed cadaver skin transplants. It is believed that Barrett’s face will be able to heal completely without graphs, the New York Post reported.

According to the outlet Barrett cannot eat because he has burns in his mouth. His nose has been placed with a feeding tube by doctors.

The GoFundMe page has raised more than $87,000. It is used by his family as a blog that informs the public daily about his recovery.

“As horrible as this situation is, we have felt the prayers and those lifting Barrett up and certainly feel that the Lord is working in this for our good and for Barrett,”McKim spoke to the New York Post.