Nope Heads to Open $44.5 Million Box Office

Universal/Monkeypaw’s “Nope”The studio is now projecting a $44.5 million opening. Friday’s $19.5 million gross from 3,785 theaters was the lowest of the pre-release projections.

Before the weekend “Nope”Analysts predicted a $45-50M opening. That’s higher than the $33.3 million opening earned by Peele’s debut film “Get Out”In February 2017, but far below the $71 Million earned by “Us”April 2019.

“Nope”Although it may have a chance of reaching $50 million in its first weekend, if the number of walk-ups is higher than expected on Saturday or Sunday, early audiences have not responded to the film’s horror story more than to the hype. “Get Out” received. Rotten Tomatoes scores

At 74%, 82% of critics and 74% of audience, CinemaScore has recorded a B. “Us.”

With a budget of $68 Million, “Nope” is Peele’s most expensive film, as “Get Out”Amounted to $4.5 million in production costs. “Us”It was valued at $20 million. “Nope”Universal and Monkeypaw should make another film that is profitable. They signed a first look deal shortly after the release. “Get Out.” But if it makes as much as Peele’s past work, it will likely be because of the lack of competition in August.