No Way Home’ trailer 2 details just leaked

The Spider-Man: No Way Home rumors are at an all-time high, and they won’t go away anytime soon. The highly-anticipated MCU movie is less than three months away, assuming Sony and Marvel don’t delay it again. We’re obviously going to learn more about Spider-Man 3 content as we approach that December 17th release date. That’s because Sony and Marvel will soon start their final marketing push for the movie. But it’s not like the film needs more promos. Most MCU fans are probably more than aware of the big No Way Home spoiler, which leaked several months ago. Since then, we kept seeing confirmation after confirmation that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield will reprise their Spider-Man characters for No Way Home, which will be a multiverse film. This spoiler is enough to make every MCU fan want to see the new Spider-Man movie.

We already saw Garfield in leaked footage that could only have from No Way Home, as well as images showing the two actors in Spider-Man suits. But those are leaks, and not everybody believes they’re real. However, word on the street is that we’ll soon see Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man. And he will reportedly appear alongside Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland’s Spider-Man versions in the Spider-Man: No Way Home

trailer 2 that should be coming soon.

The Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield leaks

Whether or not you believe the former Peter Parker actors are reprising their roles, you’ve probably seen this big No Way Home spoiler by now. All you had to do was watch one of Andrew Garfield’s recent interviews for his non-Spidey work. The No Way Home question would eventually come up. Garfield poorly denying his involvement in No Way Home is the kind of information that will make anyone wonder whether there’s any truth to it.

As for Tobey Maguire, we haven’t seen him having to do his best to deny that he’ll play Spider-Man again. He hasn’t appeared in as many interviews as Garfield. And we haven’t seen leaked No Way Home footage showing his Peter Parker variant. However, all that will change soon.

We were reminded of a video that showed Garfield dressed in Spider-Man costume a few days back. While we could not verify the clip’s authenticity at first, Sony filed copyright claims against various alleged No Way Home images that made their way to social media. One of those images was a closeup of Garfield, which was taken from the video.

Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer 2 release

Keeping the Maguire-Garfield involvement secret would have been an amazing achievement. The former Spider-Man versions would have been a huge hit with audiences all over the world. But that’s just wishful thinking. No matter how hard the two studios might try to keep this No Way Home

secret, preventing leaks is next to impossible. The spoilers about Maguire-Garfield have been known for many months.

You can take advantage of this by confirming it with a trailer. And it appears as though that’s exactly what Sony and Marvel will do. Several leakers have said that the two actors will appear in a future No Way Home trailer, and some of them are back with fresh claims.

One of them is Geekosity’s Mikey Sutton, who said in a new blog post that the current plan is to feature Andrew Garfield will appear in the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer 2 facing off with Jamie Foxx’s Electro. The two fought in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, so the pairing makes sense.

Sutton claims that Marvel and Sony will save TobeyMaguire in the final trailer. This clip will be available closer to the opening day. “It has the money shot. Tom Holland’s Spider-Man fighting the Sinister Six alongside his predecessors, Maguire and Garfield,” According to an insider, this was said by a source.

Tobey Maguire’s No Way Home debut

Separately, the leaker who posted the No Way Home images that Sony confirmed resurfaced an older Twitter post that said the new trailer will drop after October 22nd.

He or she says the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer 2 will “break the internet” featuring the first live-action Spiderverse footage.

Finally, a different insider took to Twitter to claim that Maguire and Garfield will indeed be in the second No Way Home trailer, apparently in the clip’s final shot.

As always with leaks, there’s no way to confirm any of this. But it sure looks like we may soon put an end to all the speculation about Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland being Spider-Men together in No Way Home.