‘No push’ for Harry and Meghan’s UK return as tensions with royals ‘still high’

A royal expert has warned Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should not expect a warm welcome from the rest of the family as speculation continues to rise on when they will next return to the UK.

Harry and Meghan have only made one return to the UK since their move to the USA and the withdrawal from the royal duties in the early part of last year.

The prince was last seen crossing the pond in July as he helped Prince William unveil a statue honoring Princess Diana.

Their daughter Lilibet has yet to meet her great grandmother so speculation is growing about when and how the Duchess of Sussex will next return to the UK.

Speculation has been mounting over when Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will next return to the UK

In particular, relations with the rest of the family were reportedly damaged by a revealing interview Harry and Meghan conducted with Oprah Winfrey, where a number of allegations were raised against ‘The Firm’.

This included an accusation that an unnamed member of the Royals made a comment about their eldest child Archie’s skin colour.

Now, the Daily Mirror’s Royal Editor Russell Myers has claimed that the reception for any return in the near future will be frosty. Speaking on the Pod Save the Queen podcast

, he suggested: “I don’t think there’s been any real push to come over.

“I think that the tensions are still very high in that sphere of things. For many, the Oprah Winfrey interview is still fresh in their minds.

A royal commentator has claimed that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should not expect a warm welcome when they return to the UK

“So whether they would be welcomed back with open arms to sit around the Christmas table, I wouldn’t bet on that at the moment.”

Russell explained that the royal institution is busy preparing for other events, including the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, which takes place next year.

“I think there are an awful lot of other things going on at the moment, the royals are certainly putting their attention to trying to get back to work over the next week or so”, he continued.

But, he suggested, the Sussexes will need to get used to their new working and family relationship with the rest of the family if they are to go forwards with their new lives.

Relations between Harry and Meghan and the rest of the Royal family have reportedly been tense after a revealing interview with Oprah Winfrey was broadcast in March

He claimed: “I think the business of the monarchy has to be treated very very differently.

“If they do want to have a relationship with the Queen, and they do want to be on the balcony for trooping, and at the Queen’s Jubilee, and to be representing the British monarchy in that sense, then surely you’ve got to tow the line a little bit.”

This comes as preparations ramp up for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next year.

A weekend of celebrations are planned to mark Queen Elizabeth II being the first monarch to reach 70 years on the throne, with an extended bank holiday from June 2 to June 5.

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