Nick Kristof Cannot Run for Governor in Oregon

Former New York Times columnist Nick Kristof can’t run for governor because he does not satisfy the residency requirement, Oregon’s secretary of state Thursday, April 12, 2009.

Kristof was born in rural Oregon, and he owns property there. Shemia Fagan’s office reportedly reviewed Kristof’s voting record in New York in the recent 2020 general election and took into consideration Kristof maintaining his New York driver’s license up until December 2020. In order to obtain Oregon residency, he continued to pay New York income tax past the November 2019 deadline.

The secretary of State stated in a note that the power is in the place where someone votes and that he would vote in New York “strongly indicates”He said that he saw it as a place he would return to often. His property was described by the office as a combination of homes in Oregon and New York. However, he spends most his time outside Oregon.

Based on these findings, Kristof can appeal the secretary of state’s decision in a circuit court.

In addition, the letter noted that Kristof had paid income taxes in New York between 1999 and 2021 as well as in Oregon between 2019 and 2020. Fagan’s office noted that he did not explain whether he filed Oregon income tax returns as a non-resident, part-year resident or full-year resident.

The columnist for The New York Times resigned in October, after he was on leave earlier in the year. According to him, his friends were involved in the resigning of The New York Times columnist. “trying to convince”He believes that the state requires new legislators “from outside the broken political system.”

Kristof won the Pulitzer Prizes in International Reporting in 1993 and Commentary in 2006. He originally intended to run for the Democratic nomination.