NHS doctor reveals how having smelly feet might actually be GOOD for you

AN NHS doctor has revealed how having smelly feet might actually be good for you.

A TikTok medic says that feet that pong can be a sign of good health.


Dr Karan Raj revealed stinky feet could save your life

Dr Karan Raj, who has 3.9 million followers, explained why a cheesy odour is often emitted by sweaty feet.

He said: “I want to share with you a fact that I recently learned that I just can’t believe – and it’s pretty incredible.

“There’s a reason we might have stinky feet – and stinky feet might just save your life.

“First of all, you have to understand that from your ears to your a**ehole your body is riddled with life forms.

There are probably a thousand species of bugs living on your skin. They love oily substances and will eat anything that isn’t in your body.

“Now, back to stinky feet. There’s a species of bacteria called bacillus subtilis that eats leucine, which is a common amino acid found in foot sweat.

“When this bacteria eats leucine, it farts out isoflavic acid – the cheesy, stinky, foot smell.”

He added: “But why are our bodies feeding this weird bacteria? Good question.

“Our bodies are keeping around this bacteria because it produces chemicals and antibiotics that keep away foot fungus.”

You have a good question. Foot fungus can lead to permanent nail damage.

In more severe cases, it can spread to the hands and groin.

So it’s vital that we have this bacteria that is helping keep our feet in tip top shape, albeit with an extra fragrance that we might have to learn to love…


The NHS medic hailed the bacteria that are on our feet and make that smell

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