New Fantastic Four cast rumors might reveal Marvel’s plans for the first family

We just covered the most recent Fantastic Four cast rumor over the weekend when we explained that the MCU’s primary Mister Fantastic might have accidentally leaked. This was just the latest in a series of reports that revealed the growing list of actors Marvel may be interested in the role. That’s in addition to a similarly exciting list of actresses who might play the MCU’s Invisible Woman.

Marvel has not revealed any cast members for the movie. The studio was able to buy more time by delaying it. Fantastic FourRelease delayed by several months We wait longer to see casting leaks. A source just detailed Marvel’s latest choices for the Fantastic FourCast, with one seemingly confirming that the latest leak is true. These Marvel rumors are always true. Below are big spoilers

if they’re true.

Fantastic FourCast leaks can be exciting

Marvel confirmed that Matt Shakman would be the helm Fantastic FourFew weeks ago, D23 Expo. That’s what rumors claimed, and Kevin Feige satisfied fans’ curiosity.

However, the executive had not revealed any additional details about the highly anticipated reboot. He didn’t mention any cast members on stage. Reports that followed suggested that Marvel needed input from its director regarding the casting decisions before revealing the cast.

Marvel’s Fantastic Four hits theaters on February 14, 2025. Image source: Marvel Studios

We heard new rumblings Fantastic FourCast selections have been made over the past few days. Marvel had reportedly met Adam Driver for the Mister Fantastic part. However, Doctor Doom might be a great fit for the actor, leaving aside any resemblance to Kylo Ren.

Then, we heard that William Jackson Harper would play an unidentified character in Quantumania: Ant-Man & the Wasp. The character is so secretive that the report didn’t even give any guesses about the role.

Based on earlier leaks, we speculated that Harper might be the MCU’s Mister Fantastic. The actor deflected questions this summer about playing the MCU’s Reed Richards in upcoming movies.

The new Mister Fantastic rumors

Twitter user CanWeGetToastA new scoop has been posted that Marvel is “looking at POC actors for Reed as well.” That’s on top of looking at Adam Driver.

This is important, considering Harper speculation. The addition of persons of color to the Fantastic Four main cast would be in line with Marvel’s overall diversity goals for the MCU. And something the studio shouldn’t shy away from.

The tweet doesn’t specify any names for Mister Fantastic other than Adam Driver. However, the leaker provided an example. Marvel may be considering Diego Luna as an actor for Mister Fantastic.

These are just rumors, so there’s no point getting excited about any of the names that keep popping up. Marvel could have gone further than the John Krasinski option in its search for Mister Fantastic.

With that in mind, there’s no telling when Marvel will unveil the Fantastic Four cast. But we’ll likely learn all four names at the same time. While the focus of most rumors is on Mister Fantastic, it’ll also be interesting to see who plays Sue Storm, Human Torch, and The Thing in the MCU’s primary reality.

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