New Amsterdam Boss explained what Helen’s surprise return means to Max

We have spoilers for you about the autumn finale New Amsterdam, “Don’t Do This for Me.” Take your own risks!

Fall finale New Amsterdam It was a very emotional episode. Lauren had to deal with the overdose of her sister, while Elizabeth Wilder struggled to decide if she should take a job that would require her to leave the hospital. Perhaps the biggest emotional shocker of the episode was the fact that when Max and Elizabeth finally found their groove together, Helen appeared on a late-night talk show, and it was revealed she’s in the city.

Fans will remember that when Max and Helen were getting ready to wed in the Season 4 finale, Helen heartbreakingly called Max from London, indicating she couldn’t go through with it. Freema Agyeman, who announced her resignation, was not expected to return. This episode was a major shocker. New Amsterdam, Max was already on his path to healing. David Schulner is shocked by her unexpected return. Television Line They brought Helen back in time for the autumn finale.

We knew we wanted to bring Helen Sharpe back to test Max’s resolve. To find out his feelings towards Wilder. To test whether or not he’s truly healed. We knew it was the worst thing that could happen to him.

While I wish that it had happened earlier, it makes sense to have Helen return at a point when Max is moving on. As the series ends, we will see how his feelings about Helen and hearing that she had returned to New York were evident.

As for whether or not Helen’s return will make Max realize he still does want her (or does not) has yet to be seen, but David Schulner explains that his heart will be tested:

Sharpe is still left with many unanswered queries. Yet, at the same time, there’s the promise of something new with Wilder. We’re going to put Max through the wringer, so whatever decision he makes is hard-earned.

Max was devastated by Helen’s death, while Luna, Luna’s daughter was just as heartbroken. Luna has grown up being a mom and was used to it. It is interesting to see how this twist pays off, with the show coming to an end soon and Wilder refusing the job in the hospital. Max’s endgame will probably be determined by who he picks. It’s unknown how much the former couple have talked, if at all, since they parted ways, but when the show comes back in the new year, true feelings will be revealed. 

Meanwhile, New Amsterdam It will end in 2023 with a farewell party, though fans may not be as excited. The series will end on January 17, with three more episodes. The 2023 TV schedule will include three episodes. A two-hour series finale on January 17th will conclude the season. However, it will mean that fans have to say good bye to some of their favorites characters. The end is yet to be determined.

Don’t miss the final episodes of New Amsterdam What happens to the Helen/Max/Elizabeth relationship? The medical drama will return Tuesday, January 3, at 10 p.m. EST, on NBC. You can stream all the episodes on Peacock by signing up for a subscription.