Netflix’s The Witcher series is under fire from fans who want it to be cancelled

Netflix offers a variety of series with a mix of grand spectacle and intimate moments, all accompanied by compelling performances. Since its debut in 2019, The Witcher has become one of the most popular series on Netflix.

Many people are aware that The Witcher was originally a book series by Polish writer Andrzej SAPkowski. Video games were popular too before the TV show.

Many already knew what The Witcher meant to them, even before they saw the Netflix version. Expectations were in place, and while there’s perhaps no way to please everybody, it’s pretty safe to say that audiences were over the moon with Henry Cavill‘s portrayal of Geralt of Rivia.

As you’ll know, the fandom was recently invited to check out season 3 part 2 of the series, which offered another three episodes. It is common for fans to demand the renewal of a title when a new season begins. In the case of The Witcher, on the other hand, it was already announced ahead of the latest episodes that it’s been officially renewed for season 4.

Some fans, instead of asking for a renewal, want the streaming service to end the series.

Since it was revealed that Henry would be leaving the series, and that Liam Hemsworth was set to take his place in Season 4, there has been an active section of The Witcher fans who have been critical of the show. However, in the wake of season 3’s conclusion, there are numerous arguments being voiced in favor of bringing the series to its end prematurely.

“The producers and the directors, and the way the story was told is what ruined the show,” one recently argued on Twitter, in defense of the cast. “It’s the beautiful work of the numerous very impressive actors that graced the show that kept it on for so long, and kept us watching. Cancel it Netflix.”

Recently, it was reported that the filming schedule for the next season had been pushed back to 2024. Originally scheduled to start in September of 2023.

“Just cancel it already,” another viewer said in response to the delay. “The show You can learn more about it here. dead. By the way, can someone count the total screentime for Henry in season 3?” suggesting that the Geralt actor has been overshadowed by other characters more recently.

While some feel compelled to encourage cancelation due to the writing and other elements, the recasting of Geralt is clearly still the driving force for a portion of the fan-turned-detractors.

“Henry Cavill and other actors are striking, if it comes to the point where he is replaced in the show I will not watch it,” one person recently wrote on Twitter. “Liam Hemsworth possibly becoming the new Geralt, it’s a no-go for me. You may as well just cancel the series.”

There’s no possibility—he is The new Geralt

“Finished season 3 of TheWitcher and like Henry Cavill I’m done with it,” another similarly expressed. “How I sat through some of those episodes I’ll never know , best thing to do is just put the show out of its misery and cancel it.”

“I enjoyed the first two, I did have issues with the second but this third has been a complete mess,” one replied in agreement. “No surprise whatsoever Henry Cavill has quit.”

Of course, not everybody feels this way, but those disappointed by season 3 and feeling pessimistic about The Witcher’s future are speaking out.

The Witcher will be available exclusively through Netflix.

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