Netflix viewers are enjoying a trip to Infinity with new documentary

A Netflix documentary about mathematics, and the concept that infinity, is making people question everything they know.

A Trip to Infinity is a documentary that was released on YouTube in September. It explores the concept by using complex theories about physics, philosophy, and cosmology.

The film, which is 19 minutes long, is broken down into chapters.

This is a dense, serious piece of material that you should not be consuming if you’re looking for something simple.

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But, for those who have been able to sit through it and pay attention, they have seen their minds shaken by many. It presents many theories.

One is the apple inside the box’ theory. It states that an apple left in a container for billions of year would experience every state possible, and eventually it would be returned to its original condition.

It might not be very clear to write it down so you can watch this instead.

It doesn’t matter if the documentary was understood or not, viewers react with a mix of amazement and surprise at the contents.

Trip to InfinityNetflix now offers this video.

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