Near Iceland, an asteroid measuring 10 feet in diameter has hit the Earth.

An asteroid estimated to be around 10ft wide struck the Earth off the coast of Iceland recently, but experts say it’s nothing to worry about.

People in Iceland near the site of the space rock fell reported seeing a flash of light on March 11. Some also reported hearing a boom.

Asteroid 2022 EB5 was the cause of this phenomenon, which was spotted just two hours prior to its impact.

It is approximately three metres in diameter and half the size a giraffe. While it might sound huge, it was actually quite small and would have caused no significant damage if it had hit land.

Travelling at speeds of 11 miles per second between Greenland and Norway, it’s thought that the majority of the original asteroid burnt up in the Earth’s atmosphere before it struck.

The impact took place at approximately 21:22 GMT on 11/03/2010, along the coast north Iceland.

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It’s the fifth asteroid to have been discovered after entering the Earth’s atmosphere before hitting Earth and was spotted by Hungarian astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky.

However, so far no meteorites from space rock have been found, but the International Meteor Organization hopes it will be possible to identify witnesses.

One 13ft asteroid burst above the Nubian desert in Sudan in 2008 600 meteorites containing the 80-tonne TC3 asteroid, which were then recovered from the ground, were later found.

Asteroid size comparable to the Arc De Triomphe had been observed. “close approach”According to NASA experts, nuclear weapons would be the only way to prevent another dinosaur-sized asteroid from destroying Earth.

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