Naomi Watts reveals how Jennifer Coolidge acts on set of The Watcher

In an interview with StylistPromote “The Watcher,” Naomi Watts sat down and raved about Jennifer Coolidge. After recently consuming in “The White Lotus,”Coolidge’s casting was discovered by her, and she was delighted.

Nora spoke about Karen’s relationship with Karen. She discussed Karen’s character’s desire leave the city and to give up her friends group. Karen is her familiar face, which she finds comfort in after moving. But it seems Karen isn’t reciprocating. Watts has nothing but praise for the actor portraying Karen, even though she may seem cold behind her friendly facade.

Watts couldn’t help but praise Coolidge for his presence on set when the topic of Coolidge came up. Watts claims Coolidge is a true delight and does every scene with ease. “You know, she comes with surprise and delight every single time,”Watts explained. “She’s a true master of what she does. And some of the scenes we shot together … When we’re shooting scenes in a big restaurant, she’s talking to people all the time and improvising. And no moment is lost. She just lights up a room.”