The show was premiered back in the year 2019 from Jan 09 to Mar 27. Since then this epic comedy which says “Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue” in Japanese did not manage to garner popularity and fan followings despite a naïve concept. Also, the show was aired at times when the other immensely popular shows were already airing. Thus, the competition led to all the downfalls for the show’s present and renewal status of the next chapter. Still, fans were desperately waiting for the latest revelations regarding the release date for season 2. So, here are the details for the charming, subtle, and beautiful opening song show “My Roommate Is a Cat”.
‘My Roommate Is a Cat’ Plot
This is based on the Subaru Mikazuki (Novelist), who is not good at making friends or mingling with other people. Whereas the Haru, the cat lives an extremely pathetic stray life.
Due to a fateful accident, the parents of Subaru Mikazuki died. He was left all alone and devastated. This is the time when he meets Haru. His life is literally changed, once he started living with the Cat. Both of them shared a compassionate bond. Even Subaru becomes good at making friends.
Suddenly they both find each other’s company enough for each other. They begin growing liking and affection for each other. The moments of joy and fun, comedy, and everything that they share while living together is evident in the show.
My Roommate Is a Cat Season 2 Release date
Despite an epic comedy, charming, and subtle storyline the show didn’t manage to garner a green signal for renewal status. Yes! This is heartbreaking but, it is true. There is no season 2 for ‘My Roommate Is a Cat’. So, it isn’t worth wait as the show’s season 1 wasn’t able to receive popularity.
In addition to this, season 1 was released back in 2019 when some of the immensely popular shows were already being airing. This all led to the fateful conclusion. Still, let us hope for the best. Stay tuned for further updates on My Roommate Is a Cat Season 2.